Lava Rock

by Carla E
Lava Rock
Carla E
Photograph - Photography Art
Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve is a unique park. For miles you can see where the lava ran. This was a location that made it difficult for travelers in wagon trains.
There is a lot of history here at Goodale's Cutoff where the wagon trains would follow to get through the lava beds. I can not imagine what it was like with Horses and Wagon's trying to
get around this area!
Park Sign stated this;
Beginning in the 1850's, armed skirmishes broke out between Shoshone Indians and emigrants traveling by wagon train to the west. Many pioneers tried new paths through Idaho that would avoid the Snake River, where they were most vulnerable to attack. Most travelers chose Goodale's Cutoff, named for Tim Goodale, and early guide on the route. In this area, the cutoff ran along the base of the Pioneer Mountains, about a mile north of the Parks entrance.
To avoid crossing the lava fields the emigrants funneled through a narrow passageway between treacherous lava flows and the steep mountains. One driver related, "When some steep point or bluff would run out into this rock, we would expect to see our wagons smashed." Most emigrants, however, passed through unharmed.
Portions of the trail are covered by the modern highways, but remnants are visible and marked with white markers in many locations.
January 14th, 2015